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Ye Olde List of Links

This page is an ongoing project where I catalog interesting stuff I've found on the web.

Table of Contents

cstrike maps

An open directory of vintage counter-strike maps

screenshot of minesweeper


A version of minesweeper where you're never punished for guessing. Minesweeper was always famous for being one of the games included with Windows, as far back as Windows 3.1, and was probably a lot of people's first introduction to computer games. It's great that people today are still into it.

via Pure Skill Minesweeper

See also: Adversarial Minesweeper

Retro Computing Stuff

retro image of horse clipart

Cameron's World

"Cameron's World is a web-collage of text and images excavated from the buried neighbourhoods of archived GeoCities pages (1994–2009)."

An apple II computer
Apple II

Steve's Old Computer Museum

Site that showcases a great collection of old computers, with pictures and specs! I grew up using an Apple II Plus with a monochrome screen and two disk drives, just like in the picture.

Long-form deep dive into the history and design of the world wide web. There's some cool stuff in here:

  • rise of the hypertext fad in the 80s, how the hyperlink was invented
  • some of Tim Berners-Lee's inspirations when designing the World Wide Web


A large abandonware collection. Most of these kinds of sites focus solely on games, but vetusware seems to give equal billing to operating systems, office productivity software, and other bygone ephemera


harrison fords face
Harrison Ford, cornerstone element of the Dad Thriller

Comprehensive theorizing and dissection of the Dad Thriller, a proposed category of 90's Hollywood action movie. This makes total sense to me and helps lay out a broad progression of popular action movie styles:

  • 80s: blockbuster action hero flicks. Guns and muscles. The Schwarzenegger heydey.
  • 90s: dad thrillers
  • 00s: Jason Bourne-alikes.
typical mgm logo roll from beginning of vhs movie

An internet archive collection of VHS tape openers (like the mix of copyright messages, studio logos, advertisements, previews, etc. that would appear before the "feature presentation" began). This digitization & and preservation effort seems to be the labor one one dedicated user.

Drew's Script-O-Rama

Incredible trove of movie scripts. For example:

chunk of script from godzilla movie, the bad 1998 one that I love
movie poster for super mario brothers movie

Super Mario Brothers - The Movie Archive

Fan site for the (imo underrated) 1993 film adaption of the Super Mario Brothers franchise, with tons of production notes and great behind the scenes pictures. The team behind this site obtained an early version of the SMB movie that included ~20 minutes of previously unseen footage, which they've re-edited into an unofficial extended edition: The Morton Jankel Cut

Movie Censorship

A site that tracks the differences between various releases of the same movie (special editions, directors cuts, international versions, TV cuts, etc). My entry point to this site was this extremely detailed writeup of the differences between the original theatrical version and the special edition of Star Wars.


Horrible edge cases to consider when dealing with music

Strange artist names, album names, and the like.

🏛️ The Library 📰

Creative Writings of Andy Weir

Andy Weir, author of The Martian has a personal site that includes some of his other work. If you're looking for a place to start, I would check out his short story The Egg.

The Heat Death of Nostalgia

Musing on nostalgia, meta-nostaliga, and finding a balance.

Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture evolution

"Subcultures are dead.", so the author argues. Let's explore why.

We asked an art historian to review 8 fighter cockpits

DOOM stuff around the net